
카카오톡으로 퍼가기 페이스북으로 퍼가기
admin - 2014.09.30
조회 5320
Application Deadline/ 6PM(Korea Time) on Nov. 03, 2014(Mon)
The following guidelines are designed for international applicants only.
Application Field
▶ Artists working in all disciplines and genres are eligible to apply.
▶ Creative residency Program
  • Visual arts: painting, sculpture, film/video, new media, architecture, design, photography
  • Creative Computation: Data Visualization, Physical Computing, UI/UX design, Kinetic Installation, Glitch, Net Art
  • Public Art
  • Performing arts: dance, music, theater
  • Literature: poetry, fiction, and nonfiction, journalism, screen and playwriting, children’s literature, or translation
▶ Research residency Program
  • Curator, critic, museum archivist, philosopher, sociologist
Residency Period: 3 Months
▶ GCC accepts 12 international artists(team) for its creative residency program.
▶ In terms of scheduling preferences, please select your first/second choice of residency start date from the below:
  • a. Mar~May 2015 / b. Jun~Aug 2015 / c. Sep.~Nov 2015 / d. Dec 2015~Feb 2016
How to Apply
▶ Application Period: Oct. 03, 2014 (Fri.) ~ Nov. 03, 2014 (Mon)
▶ All the material MUST be submitted via email ⇒ gcc.apply2015@gmail.com
Application Requirements
  • Completed Application (Download from GCC Website. http://gcc.ggcf.kr, http://www.gyeonggicreationcenter.org)
  • CV or Resume (Less than one A4 page)
  • 1-2 page essay addressing the following(Each essay MUST BE less than 250 words):
    • Briefly describe your practice.
    • Your residency plan in GCC
  • At least one or more of the following based on what best represents your work:
    • 15-20 images as single Powerpoint, or PDF file
    • 5 minutes of audio work(s), video work(s) or video documentation of work.
      Upload the audio work(s) and video work(s) on SoundCloud, YouTube, or Vimeo.
      Then, send us Web Links of your work(s). You may write down the links on a PDF file.
      ※ Please keep this in mind that all the Web Links you will send us MUST be working properly.
      Otherwise, your application will be excluded.
  • Up to 10 pages of writing(s), if you are applying for research residency program
Support details
There will be no rental or program fee for the residency program.
GCC, however, doesn’t fund living, material, and travel expenses.
Artists are encouraged to find alternative sources by themselves.
▶ Each GCC International Resident Artist receives:
  • A private studio in GCC Studio Building I
  • Access to Media Shop, Print Shop, Wood Shop, Archive Room
▶ Support on program
  • The presence of artists per period, each of whom gives a slide lecture, workshop, and offers optional individual studio visit
  • Exhibition opportunities in GCC or outside GCC
▶ Other support
  • Accidental injury Insurance
    ※ Details will be discussed with the Curatorial Team of GCC after being chosen as candidate.
Qualification and Restrictions
▶ No restrictions on nationality, age, and media
▶ Compliance with user rules and to actively participate in GCC programs
▶ Using studio for more than four days a week
▶ Permitted to reside with one companion (required to notify beforehand)
▶ No pets and children are allowed
▶ Required to submit a brief report after completion of the residency period

○ Successful candidates will be notified individually for Skype or e-mail interview by late January 2015.
※ Interview schedule may be changed based on GCC’s workload.
Contact Us
101-19, Seongam-ro, Danwon-gu , Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do
Zip: 425-886, South Korea
공공누리 제4유형:출처표시+상업적이용금지+변경금지
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