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Gyeonggi Creation Center 2017 Open Call for Artist-In-Residence
admin - 2016.11.24
조회 3134
Call for 2017 residencies at Gyeonggi Creation Center in Korea
An Art Residency for creative residency and research residency in various generes
Description of residency program
GCC(Gyeonggi Creation Center) is an artist-in-residence facility located in Ansan city, Gyeonggido in Korea.  It is located in an outskirt of a big city and has a very nice scenic view.

With a successful seven year history, this center, as a public organization, has become a facility for domestic and international artists, who seek for their creativity and collaboration with other artists.  It is one of the oldest, largest and best artist-in-residences in Korea.  For the past seven years, there have been about three hundred artists stayed and created many, yet reputable works.  One of its goals is to encourage foreign artists to create works of art with domestic artists.

Since it has a great reputation as an art education center, artist can expect meeting, working and teaching many students including college students.  An artist can implement projects for community such as revitalizing a ville through arts.

GCC definitely is a place for creative works, research, production, meetings and exhibitions.  It also offers a few funded programs for artists & curators through open-call –projects.
Duration of residency
The duration of this residency program is three-month as follows :
  1. 1.March through May,  2. June through August,  3. September through November,
    4.  December through Feburary of 2018
  1. 1. January 20th ,  2. April 20th,  3. July 20th,   4. August 20th
It offers a studio to an artist : single bright studio partially furnished.  The accommodation is free of charge.  Yet, electricity and gas are not free when exceeding the minimum amount of use.
Project workspace
For those, whose works are big, GCC may offer an alternate space for the works with a prior written request.

GCC can accept up to six artists a year, and it offers them an independent studio, Wireless Internet connection, shared space for meetings and galleries for final events & exhibitions.

Materials and equipment can be provided.  But, if an artist needs specific or sophisticate materials and equipment, please provide them by oneself.  GCC may be able to provide basic tools only.  All the tools and equipment are not for private use.
Fees and support
Expenses paid by GCC:
Curatorial ongoing support & advice
Tutoring at the studios
Single studio
Final Event (presentation and/or exhibition at the Gallery)
Press Release
Basic tools
Catering at the event
Electricity(within 30,000KRW)
GAS(within 300,000KRW)
Wi-Fi(connector not included)
Expenses paid by the artist:
Electricity bill(when over 30,000KRW)
Gas bill(when over 300,000KRW)
International travel
Domestic travel
VISA(if applicable)
And others which are not included in “expenses paid by GCC”
Expectations towards the artist
The artists are expected to give a presentation and/or exhibit their work at GCC gallery.
Application information
Please send the required information below to gccresidency2017@gmail.com.
A copy of your Passport
Residency Activity Plan
CV (max one A4)
Recommendation from an accredited institute or organization
Selection process
Selection will be done by a selection committee based on the materials you have submitted.  If your proposal is selected, GCC will send you an email accordingly.
공공누리 제4유형:출처표시+상업적이용금지+변경금지
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